Thursday, June 2, 2011

dreams have come true!!

its been about 5 months since i have seen her in person its miindblowing...everymorning i get up i can look over and see her and i get to kiss her like she is the only just happy for her to finally meet my crazy family they really like her...well time for swedish pancakes nom nom!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Alright people Most of u have driven on the ice and snow right? Most of u think u can drive in it pretty well?...well guess Wut? I don't care if u have been driving in snow for 20yrs everyone sucks at driving in this shit...I have spent most of my time this week pulling ass holes out of ditches and little gullies that it's completely exhausted doesn't matter if u have four wheel drive if ur being a jackass on the roads and going to fast and and spinning...or even just driving along in it u r going to prolly be in a ditch...I helped to many people with their stuck cars this week it's nice to have a break...

Alright y'all just remember when the roads get bad like they have been just stay inside so I don't have to come and get u out! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday, January 30, 2011


have u ever seen a 2 yr old rip leather off a chair with her...teeth? I am here to say i have witnessed this, and it scared the wits out of me. Idk if all children are like this or if she is a one of a kind. I'm still wondering if she's somekind of were-toddler and she turns into this demon baby every full moon and feeds on leather and small animal critters. soon she will infect the whole toddler nation and no one will be safe, everyone must hide!

All though this were baby sounds horrible she does have one weakness. she is rendered to her regular 2 yr old mind when she sees elmo or baby signing time, its her kriptonite. But besides her being a hidious were-baby she is a pretty kewl toddler. maybe im just imagineing all of it who knows:D
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


with no great power equals no responsibilty. Tryin to find a job now a days is like trying to find a unicorn in manhattan, its impossible, and all the jobs that are available dont pay enough to even feed yourself with. i wish i could just move from this damn place and find a nice job, maybe sweden, be with my fiance, or like take a stop in sweden and pick her up and then we could live in like australia or germany or something. the economy here better start picking up or america is gonna be brought down and we will be no more. I'm sorry to say it but its true. and i know i shouldnt be complaining about cuz i know i have no ideas to help but we need some one who can bring us out of this jobless funk. well thats all the complaining i have to do on this topic. peace!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dream big

People think that growing up means putting all there childhood dreams, thoughts, and acts they now think are impossible or childish behind them. Why do we think that we need to live up to what people believe is the image of society. We all used to dream big, we used to want to be astronauts, pro-sports players, scientist, evil kaneval, and the list goes on and on but in Time we forget what we Dreamed of being And get stuck with a job or life we can't be happy with. I used to want to be many things, I wanted to be a football player, and a military man, and a boxer, astronaut , stunt car driver, actor/dancer/vocalist and so on. I atleast made one come true, I do serve this country, but I have also forgotten about most of my childish dreams, but I made my own adventures that I won't trade for the world. People need to grow a pair and get out and live, I am 20 years old and have traveled to europe twice on my own dime just for love, I have smoked, drank, hung from the side of a moving vehicle, electrocuted my own nipples, ran from the cops, swam nude, jumped off a cliff, and let my future wife run her hand through my drunken puke covered hair. Soon people will realize all the things they wish they would have done and be miserable over the fact that they never took a chance.

When I go to my high school reunion 10 20 or however long till then and people ask Wut have you done with your life, I want to be the guy that has story after story of all my adventures with my completely beautiful hott amazing wife, and how I have lived life to the fullest. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

veiws on government documents...

Why does the government make filing paper work so god damn hard? why cant they just go "oh you look alright, welcome to america, land of the free, home of the brave, now go and merry your fiance!" No, instead they throw u through loops, make you jump through hoops, run a marathon, fight a bear, become a gladiator, jump over a shark, beat chuck norris in a thumb war, find a cure for herpes, and etc. they don't believe that love doesn't give a person a right become an american. sure they have some reason to be cautious about letting people in to our country but when it's a 21 year old woman who is from sweden who just wants to be with her man, i mean come on. i was hoping being military would turn the tables but all it gives you is false hope and a headache. As soon as I feel I have gotten somewhere and are on the road to success, they reject you on something completely insignificant like a signature that was outside of its area a tiny bit. It's just not fair, but life isn't fair I guess so fuck it.

my solution to this whole problem would be easier with nuclear weapons or a vial of small pox but that is a little out of my reach. so for now i will just sit and wait till i come across some luck or maybe a good idea from someone, hopefully lady luck will shine on me, bring me something more then empty pockets and loneliness that wont stop increasing.